Monday, November 15, 2010


Today is somewhat of a strange day. Not in a bad day, but in a new things are going to happen anticipation way. The kind that make you scared but oh so excited as well! See my husband and I are endeavoring to do full time campus ministry at the University at Albany in New York. To do that, we must go to people around us and ask them to help us financially so that we do not have to work a regular 8-5 job. Sort of a like a missionary. Okay so not sort of but exactly as a missionary does. We are US missionaries. We don't go to foreign lands, to strange peoples and share Jesus but (in our case) across the street to the local college campus and share Jesus. Last Thursday, we met with my director from the preschool that I work at up here and that went very well. Tonight we meet with the elders (well Bob goes to see the elders) and I will be hanging with some of the wives of the church where I work. We are excited about this opportunity to work with this church because they seem excited to be able to break into the college campus ministry. 

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